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Akil Gray

Hey, My name is Akil Gray

I am a multilingual full-stack developer.

About Me
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Get to know me!

I am a multilingual full-stack developer with over five years of engineering and international development experience. I have a passion for problem-solving and believe in leveraging the web to provide learning opportunities for all. Through my occupational experiences, I continue to hone my ability to foster strong working relationships with people of varying cultures, skill-sets, and languages.

Alongside my work within the tech industry, I also hold a health coach certification and enjoy learning languages currently communicating in English, Spanish, and French.

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My Skills

React-Testing Library

Projects True learning happens when we turn knowledge into action.

Software gif

Grayt Registration

A M.E.R.N fullstack web app that leverages third party APIs to provide a secure password changing functionality. Create an account, login, change your password and then login again!

Software gif

Grayt Fitness

This is a serverless full-stack web app that leverages, React Hooks, Google Cloud Services, CRUD database operations, React Libraries, and third-party APIs to offer users an interactive calorie tracking experience. Create an account and begin tracking your calories to reach your health goals.

Software Screenshot

Black Jeopardy

A M.E.R.N full-stack web app that leverages web scrapping to provide black jeopardy's questions and answers. Create an account and take a first-person approach to the famous SNL black jeopardy skit.

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